Asphalt Sealing
Asphalt sealing is a heavy duty protective coating. Technically speaking, it is a high solids colloidal dispersion of selected coal tar pitch in water. Sealer can be applied without heating at temperatures above 50 F. Upon curing, the mixture forms a tough, charcoal black barrier of coal tar pitch heavily fortified with inert minerals which is highly resistant to the prevailing elements that damage asphalt pavements.
Continuous laboratory control, as well as high volume production advantages, are your assurance of consistent quality. All of the sealer used for seal coating is federal spec. rubber fortified material with the appropriate sand load per gallon. We apply two coats in all commercial work and sometimes a third coat on traffic lanes. All sealing is done by spraying, except for trim work which is done by hand to prevent getting sealer where is doesn’t belong. Maintaining your asphalt costs little, but does a lot. A good sealer is common sense insurance for bituminous paved areas. Preventive maintenance is more economical than expensive repairs and replacement. The economy resulting from seal coating is becoming increasingly recognized.
Asphalt sealer applied at a cost of a few cents per square foot preserves for many years a surface which would cost many times the seal coating to replace. New pavements last longer. Old pavements are made to look like new. Prevent costly asphalt damage for only pennies per square foot. Protect and beautify your residential driveways or commercial parking lots with asphalt sealing and repair. This company covers the entire state of Kentucky and works seven days a week, if necessary. If you have questions regarding this company, its services to you, or for free estimates, feel free to contact us at anytime.
551 Blair School Rd
P.O. Box 408
Russell Springs, KY 42642
Office: 270-866-2014
Mon-Fri 8:00-4:00
Closed Weekends