Asphalt Repair
Whether it is a damaged spot on your driveway, parking lot, city streets, or even interstate highways, from the size potholes to the largest area S.A.M. has the technology to repair it and have over 14 years experience in this area. We will examine your problem area and offer the best and most cost efficient way to repair the problem. In most cases, we start by squaring and cutting the damaged area, then removing it. We then add DGA stone and compact it then add hot-mix asphalt to the desire depth. Then compact it with asphalt rollers or compactors depending on what is needed. S.A.M. uses only “hot-mix asphalt”, never cold-mix, which has proven to be unreliable. There is no area too small or too large.

Step 1: Mark and Saw Out Problem Area(s)

Step 2: Remove Old Asphalt

Step 3: Adding DGA Stone to Elected Height

Step 4: Compacting Stone

Step 5: Laying Hot Mix Asphalt

Step 6: Hot Mix Asphalt Lain Out

Step 7: Compacting Asphalt

Step 8: Sample of Finished Look
551 Blair School Rd
P.O. Box 408
Russell Springs, KY 42642
Office: 270-866-2014
Mon-Fri 8:00-4:00
Closed Weekends