Asphalt Management
Let us help or manage your Asphalt Parking care for you. Asphalt parking lots are a big expense these days. There’s more to it then just having it paved and marked. You need to keep it in good shape like your building and equipment; it won’t do it by its self.
Selby Asphalt Maintenance can advise you on all aspects of asphalt management from sealing to pavement marking, repair, signage and winter weather removal.
Call us today and we’ll be happy to meet with you to discuss what we can do for you. Consultations are FREE and we will come to you! Get in touch with Selby Asphalt Maintenance today to see what we can do for you.
551 Blair School Rd
P.O. Box 408
Russell Springs, KY 42642
Office: 270-866-2014
Mon-Fri 8:00-4:00
Closed Weekends